Capacity Building Activities of Bangladesh Contingents in Liberia

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Capacity Building Activities of Bangladesh Introduction:

  1. BANGLA-BONG Agro Farm. The project was launched by BANBATT-11 with an area of 25 acres of land near GBANGA city towards the end of 2007. The entire concept of the project was to create a sense of ownership and belongingness to the war affected individuals. Total 400 ex- combatants and their families were directly involved in this project.
  2.  Initially only 4 acres of the land was cleared for it? cultivation. BANBATT-16 assisted the beneficiaries to expand the farm up to 25 acres. This project has got permanent shape by the patronization of BANBATT-16. At present rice, cassava, various types of vegetables are being cultivated in the project area. The ex-combatants got a new beacon of life in this farm. It inspired the other locals that farming can be one of the ways for self sustenance. The ex-combatants and their families who are directly involved in this farm are away from different anti-social activities.


  1.  Mark Dowee, the head of the Bangla-Bong Agro Farm, could not hide his feelings at the departure of BANBATT-16 whom he termed his “very good friends”. “With the departure of BANBATT-16, we don’t think we’ll ever get any contingent that can replace them. They rendered us immeasurable assistance and imparted to us skills that have redirected our orientation of life. They did extremely well for us,” Dowee noted. With the assistance of UNDP, Government of Liberia, the Project committee has begun establishing similar model farms in other districts across the county. After the repatriation of BANBATT-16, this project was handed over to the Civil Authority.

Development and Progressive Action

  • Youth for Development and Progressive Action (YDPA). Youth for Development and progress (YDPA) is volunteer organization in Bong County of Liberia. It was started as a pilot project in June 2009 with 100 youth members. It is a mixture of war affected youths, students, abused girls and a few amputees. After the successful launching, it was proposed to expand through out 12 districts of the county.
  • The aim of this project was to assist the youth of Bong County by enhancing knowledge on agricultural & vocational sector and assist to develop the economy and self sustainment. This project put some efforts to prevent the youth from committing criminal activities and involved them into something more productive and sustainable. It also demonstrated efficient agricultural development to the locals.


  • The then Force Commander Lt Gen A T M Zahirul Alam, reds, ndc, psc (retd) inaugurated this project formally on 21 July 2009. At present 50 acres of land have been brought under cultivation where rice, Cassava, different kinds of fruits and vegetables like Papaya, Cucumber, Beans, Okra, Corn, Brinjal, Water Melon, Potato etc were cultivated. Prince Simpson, the head of the YDPA group, recently reported a bumper rice harvest from 50-acres farm. He said they had harvested 1200 kilogram of rice. As the UNMIL is in draw down phase, this project has been handed over to civil authority and Project Committee.

Ideal Village Project

  •  Ideal Village Project at SALALA. BANBATT-14 launched an Ideal Village named as ‘SHADOW OF HEAVEN’ to rehabilitate war affected people of Salala/ Totato District in January in an area of 150 acres of land. This was the second major capacity building initiative of BANBATT14 in its Area of Responsibility. The then Force Commander Lt Gen A T M Zahirul Alam, reds, ndc, psc (retd) inaugurated the BANGLA BONG IDEAL VILLAGE.


  • The main focus of this village was to make awareness among the inhabitant that how well they can ensure their socio-economic security by utilizing their inter-dependency with each other. There are numbers of small towns around the county which are mainly along the road sides. This project comprise a school, community-based farms, a fish pond, vegetable gardening and 5000 fingerlings, and a poultry farm with chickens, ducks and goats, is actually a demonstration on how local villagers can produce all its own food and be self sufficient in addition to encouraging backyard gardening.

Vocational Training Centre

There were some vocational training centres established by Bangladesh contingents who are designed to train Liberian citizens, particularly the youths of Liberia in developing their human skill for building their capacity for creating employment and/or self-employment opportunities. These are:

  1. Bangladesh-Liberia

    Friendship Centre (BLFC), BLFC is a vocational training centre established by Bangladesh Sector at GANTA City in 2005. Courses on five categories are running there. Those are Basic Computer, Tailoring, First Aid, Generator Maintenance, Electric Wiring and Fitting and Carpentry. More than two thousand local youths were imparted skill training in BLFC so far. This institution has been handed over to the local civil authority. But still this is supervised by Bangladesh Contingent (presently BANBATT-18).
  • Bangladesh-Liberia

    Youth Centre (BLYC). Bangladesh-Liberia Youth Centre (BLYC) was established in January 2008 at Bangladesh Square in CAR! Compound. Vocational training on four categories is run in this institution. These are Basic Computer, Tailoring and Embroidery, Masonry, First Aid and Medicare. By now about 400 (four hundred) local youths have been trained there.
  • Bangla-Nimba

    A Vocational Training Centre named Bangla- Nimba Capacity Building Centre (BNCBC) was established by BANBATT-18 at Tappita. On 24 Jul 2010 the activity of BNCBC was inaugurated by the FTble President of Liberia during her Independence Day visit. BNCBC is a joint collaborative CIMIC project, which will mainly be owned and run by the public, assisted by the GoL, UNMIL and UNDP. County / District administration will perform the supervisory roles in facilitating the smooth functioning of the institution, and ensuring its continuation even after UNMIL leaves.


  • First session of BNCBC, Tapita has already been completed where total 44 local youths successfully qualified in three disciplines; namely Computer training, Tailoring and Generator repair & maintenance. Also the ground breaking ceremony of Bangla-Nimba Capacity Building Centre (BNCBC) at Sanniquellie was held on 27 July 2010. The foundation of BNCBC is laid by the DSRSG (ROL). In continuation with the capacity building programs in the counties, this vocational training centre was designed by BANBATT-18.


Be self-dependent and help yourself is the idea, which drives the Bangladesh contingents towards skill training program aiming at fighting unemployment. Presently Bangladesh contingents are deployed under Sector-B consisting of 1431 Bangladeshi troops assisted by some Pakistani and Chinese as well.

Bangladesh contingents carried out different capacity building activities, which contributed significantly to the development of this community. People from all walks of life embraced Bangladeshi peacekeepers as their true friends, well wishers and real contributors. As the UNMIL is in drawdown stage, only one major Bangladesh Battalion (BANBATT-18) is deployed in Liberia.

  1. Bain Clan Development Council (BCDC) Project. To develop the capacity of income generating activities of rural people through agriculture farming the BCDC project was launched by BANBTT-17 in 2009. The project is mainly focused on cultivating paddy and vegetables. The aim is to encourage local community members to become self- reliant through similar projects and create bondage between contingents members and local citizens. Presently total cultivable area of the project is 15 acres and about 400 Liberians are directly benefited from it.

Ideal Domah TownProjeet( IDTP)

  • With a view to building the capacity and confidence amongst the inhabitants through developing an ideal town consists of agriculture farm, poultry, fisheries.
  • BANENGR CAM Agro Friendship. elementary school, playground and health sanitation system, the Ideal Domah Town Project (IDTP) was undertaken in 2009. It is basically a community development project which aims at assisting the inhabitants of Domah Town. This project was designed to transform a poorly organized community into a self- dependent, income generating, healthy and confident work force. Total inhabitants of this town are around 350. Project (BCAFP). Bangladesh contingent started a joint venture with Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) of Liberia to collaborate the easy techniques regarding production of harvest.


  • BANENGR conceived an idea to bring the varieties in agro products by using various types of seeds taken from Bangladesh through the experts of CARI complex and using their farmers. Initially, the pilot project started with three acres of land within CARI complex. WFP extended its support for the payments of farmers. CARI experts are providing their manpower and equipment. Total 50 fanners of 15 family have been trained to improve their farmland in correct manner to make them self-sufficient. Moreover, new varieties of crops brought from Bangladesh are oriented with the Liberians.
  • Liberian National Police (LNP), Bangladesh contingent regularly assists local LNPs in improving their capability through on the job training. As a result, LNPs are now capable of checking vehicles at Snap vehicle Check points; provide security to the Central Bank of Liberia during transaction along with shipment and transit independently.


With the passage of time, UNMIL has got maturity and now it is in the drawdown phase. Peace in Liberia is also quite sustained and flawless. Accordingly, UNMIL has also re-evaluated its CIMIC focus in which maximum stress has also been given on the strength of capacity building as the UN mission gradually closes down. Keeping UNMIL CIMIC focus in view, Bangladesh contingents have also set their courses of action.

But whatever role played by the peacekeepers, the main players here are the local population who found their needs and ways to take effective initiatives. The Bangladeshi peacekeepers will leave Liberia in near future physically but they will remain alive in the hearts and minds of the people through their sincere and relentless effort especially. About Us ZohaBD partner are committed to deliver authentic information to our readers. If you have any question about us then feel free to ask question. We will reply as soon as possible.


Capacity Building Capacity Building Capacity Building Capacity Building Capacity Building

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