Write an Application Half-Holiday

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Half-Holiday – Suppose your school eleven has won the final football match of the Inter District School Football Tournament. As such, the students of your school want to celebrate the victory as well as to give a hearty reception to the team. Now write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a half-holiday.

July 25, 2022

The Headmaster
Rajshahi Collegiate School

Subject: Prayer for a half-holiday.

I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to state that yesterday our School Football Team won the final match of the Inter-District School Football Tournament against Naogaon Govt. High School Team. It is really a glorious victory for our school and we are proud of it.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us a half-holiday today so that we can celebrate the victory of our School Team and accord a hearty reception to the players.

Yours obediently,

ABM Zakaia
Class 8, Rol No-03
On behalf of the students of Rajshahi Collegiate School

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The Inter District School Football Tournament is going to be held today at 4 p.m. in your School playground. The game will be played between your school Eleven and Nakla School Eleven. Now write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a half-holiday to witness the match.

July 20, 2022

The Headmaster
R. L. Institution, Chandrakona Sherpur

Subject: Application for a half-holiday.

I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to state that the final match of the Inter District School Football Tournament is going to be held today at 4 p.m. in our school playground. The game will be played between our School Eleven and Nakla School Eleven. Both the teams are equally strong. So, the game will be an exciting one. We do not like to miss the opportunity of enjoying such an exciting game. We strongly feel that our presence in the playground will encourage our players.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us a half-holiday so that we may get chance to witness and enjoy the game and cheer-up our players.

Yours obediently.

ASM Khaled
Class 8, Roll No-04
On behalf of the students of R. L. Institution Chandrakona

Rakibul Islam

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