বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলীর উপর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviation

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বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলীর উপরে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviation যা বিভিন্ন প্রতিজগিতামুলক পরীক্ষাতে এসে থাকে,এমনকি বিভিন্ন ভাইভা বোর্ডে এই সকল Abbreviation খুব বেশি এসে থাকে।

BUET– Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
BAEC-Bangladesh Atomica Energy Commission
BAU-Bangladesh Agricultural University
BAARI-Bangladesh Atom Agriculture Research Institute.
BARD-Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BAAS-Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Science.
BAFA-Bulbul Academy for Fine Arts
BAIRA– Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agenets
BARI-Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
B.T.B.C– Bangladesh Taxtile Mills Corporation.
BIRDEM– Bangladesh Institute of Research Rehabilitation – in Diabetes Endocrine and metabalic Disorders
BARD-Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BMA– Bangladesh Malitary Accademy
BPDB-Bangladesh Power Development Board.
BNCC-Bangladesh National Cadet Coar.
BSB-Bangladesh Shilpa Bank.
BWDB-Bangladesh Water Development Board.
BDR-Bangladesh Rifles
BMA-Bangladesh Medical Asso-ciation.

BSS-Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha.
BADC– Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.
BFDC– Bangladesh Film Development Corporation.
BEPZA– Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority.
BRDB– Bangladesh Rural Development Board
BOA – Bangladesh Olympic Association
BPSC-Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
BAU– Bangabandhu Agriculture University.
BSRS– Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha.
BCIC -Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation.
BRAC– Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee.
BIDS-Bangladesh Institue of International Development Studies
BKB– Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
BRC– Bangladesh River Commission.
BKSP– Bangladesh Krira Shikha Protistan.
BR-Bangladesh Railway.
BJTC– Bangladesh Jute Trading Corporation
BFS-Bangladesh Fire Service.
BGMEA– Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association
BITAC– Bangladesh IndustrialTechnical Assistance Centre
ВЈА– Bangladesh Journalists Association.

আরও পড়ুন >> ট্রাস্ট ব্যাংক বাড়ী নির্মানের জন্য ১০ লক্ষ টাকা দিচ্ছে

BFA-Bangladesh Football Association
BSTI– Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute.
BASIC– Bank of Small Industries and Commerce.
BAF-Bangladesh Air Force.
BSC– Bangladesh Shipping Corporation.
BCCFA– Bangladesh CustomClearing and Forwarding Agent.
BJMA– Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
BOGMC– Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
BODC– Bangladesh oil Development Company
BJRI– Bangladesh Jute Research Insitute.
ADAB– Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh.
ADHUNIK – Amra Dhumpan Nibron Kori.
AEC– Army Education Crops
AEC-Atomic Energy Comission.
АРМІ– Armed Forces Medical Institute.
APSU– All Party Student Union.
CIRDAP-Centre on Integreated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
CMH– Combined Military Hospital.
CNG-Compresed Natural Gas.

CA-Chartered Accountant.
CAB– Consumer’s Association of Bangladesh.
CEPZ-Chittagong Export Processing Zone.
CDB-Cotton Development Board.
CID-Criminal Investigation Department.
CAA-Civil Aviation Authority.
DMP– Dhaka Matropoliton Police.
DUTA-Dhaka University Teachers Association.
DESA– Dhaka Electrics Supply Authority.
DSE– Dhaka Stock Exchange.
DUCSU-Dhaka University Central Student Union.
DB-Detactive Branch.
DCC-Dhaka City Corporation.
DDPI– Deputy Director of public Instruction.
DC– Deputy Commissioner.
DA-Dearness Allowance.
DA-Daily Allowance.
DDDB– District Development Coordination Committee.
DMP– Dhaka Metropolitann Police.
DEPZ– Dhaka Export Processing Zone.
DGCA– Dirctor General of Civil Aviation.
DMC-Dhaka Municipla Corporation
DMC-Dhaka Medical College
DMCH-Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
DUTP-Dhaka Urban Transport Project.
DUJ-Dhaka Union of Journalists.
DSP-Deputy Superintendent of Police.
DTE-Director of Technical Education.
DNMI– Dhaka National Medical Institute.
DMCTA-Dhaka Medical College Teachers Association.

FBCCI-Federation of Bangladesh Chamber’s of Commerce and Industry
FDC-Film Development Corporation.
FPAB-Family Planning Association of Bangladesh.
GDP-Gross Domestic Product.
GSB-Geological Survey of Bangladesh.
GNP-Gross National Product
HBFC-House Building Finance Corporation.
IFIC-International Finance investment and commerce
KPM-Karnaphuli Paper Mills.
KKM-Kachi Kachar Mela.
KDA-Khulna Development Authority.
LGRD-Local Governemnt and Rural Development.
LPG– Liquified Petroleum Gas.
MIS-Management Information System
MBBS-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
MES– Military Engineering Service
MA-Master of Arts.
NSI– National Security Intelligence
RUCSU-Rajshahi University Central Students Union.
RNPP-Rooppur Nuclear Powr Project
RAB-Rapid Action Batalion.
RDB-Rajshahi Development Board.
R&H-Roads and Highways.
RMS-Railway Mail service
SKS– Sana Kalyan Sangstha.

আরও পড়ুন >> নামাজের ভুল সমুহ । জামাতে নামাজ পড়ার নিয়ম

SSMS– Sir Salimullah Medical college
SPARRSO– Space Reaserach andRemote Sensing Organization.
SBC-Sadharan Bima Corporation
TNO-Thana Nirbahi Officer.
TSC-Teachers Students Centre
TCB-Trading Corporation of Bangladesh.
TTTC– Technical Teachers Training College.
TTC-Travelling Ticket Checker.
UGC– University Grants Commission.
UNAB– United Nations Association of Bangladesh.
UCB– United Commercial Bank.
VAT-Value Added Tax.
VC-Vice Chancellor.
WASA-Water and Swerage Authority

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