Application for re-admission & remission of delay fine

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Re-Admission – Your father was in hardship for not getting his salary for a few months. As such, you could not pay your tuition fees in time. Now write an application to the Headmaster praying for remission of delay fine.

August 15, 2022
The Headmaster
Government Laboratory High School Dhaka

Subject: Application for remission of delay fine.

Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class 8 in your school. I could not pay my tuition fees for the months of June and July in time as my father was in financial hardship for a few months. Now he has got his salary and so, I am able to pay my fees.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to exempt me from paying the delay fine and allow me to pay the usual fees only.

Your most obedient pupil,
Md. Ziaul Hassan
Class-8 B, Roll no 2

আরও পড়ুন >>  ১০০/- টাকার প্রাইজবন্ড ড্র ।। Prize Bonds Result

Suppose you could not pay your tuition fees and other charges of the school owing to long absence of your father from home. As per rule of the school your name has been struck off the rolls. Now write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for re-admission.

May 5, 2022
The Headmaster
Nandina M. H. K. Govt. Pilot High School Jamalpur

Subject: Application for re-admission.

I beg most respectfully to state that I could not pay my tuition fees from the months of March to June as my father was away from home. As a result, my name has been struck off the rolls for non-payment of dues. My father has come back home and I am now able to pay my fees and other charges.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give me permission to pay my tuition fees and other charges for the months stated above and thereby get myself re-admitted to the class.

Your most obedient pupil,
Radit Hasan Zoha
Class-8 B, Roll no 2

আরও পড়ুন >> সূরা ইখলাস ও সূরা কাহাফ পাঠের ফজিলতসমুহ

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